Rider of the Week
Rider of the Week
Sam Belden,
Forefront Communications
We may be in the dog days of summer, but cooler days and fall foliage are just around the corner. That can only mean one thing: it’s almost time for Wall Street Rides FAR! At Forefront Communications, this is always a highlight on our calendar – it’s a chance to get outdoors, see friendly faces and support a cause that is important to us: autism research.
Last year, we had the pleasure of speaking with over a dozen individuals from the Wall Street and autism communities to get a sense of who they are and why they support Wall Street Rides FAR. From there, we helped them write and share contributions to the Rider of the Week series, designed to generate buzz around the Ride and show why so many keep coming back year after year.
We’re proud to unveil the 2020 Rider of the Week series, and this year, I’m honored to be the first rider featured. I’ll be sharing a bit more info on the Ride as well as the reasons it is so meaningful to me on a personal level.
First, some basics: Wall Street Rides FAR benefits the Autism Science Foundation (ASF), a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting and funding innovative autism research. ASF has been a prolific supporter of autism research over the years; the projects they fund have dramatically improved our understanding of the causes of autism and have helped to develop new treatments for people with autism of all ages. More recently, they have recalibrated their activities due to the pandemic—they just announced their first round of COVID-19 Pivot Grant recipients and have compiled extensive resources for affected families.
This year’s Ride will be held on October 3 at Saxon Woods Park in White Plains, New York. While the park serves as a gathering place, the real fun is on the streets—you can take your pick of multiple routes through scenic Westchester and Fairfield Counties. There are routes for all skill levels—20, 30 and 62 miles—as well as a 4-mile family ride and a 5K run/walk, so no matter who you are, there’s a way to get involved. In just a few short years, the Ride has raised over $1 million total for ASF, and there’s still so much room to grow.
In years past, the Ride has been highlighted by a finish line festival, complete with a buffet, live band and plenty of laughs. While the post-ride celebration might look different this year, that hasn’t dampened the enthusiasm of the riders, as you’ll read in the weeks ahead.
There are so many reasons to get involved in this event, but for me, there is a personal connection: my sister is on the autism spectrum. Growing up, I got to see how the right interventions and supports were making a difference in her life, helping her to become more independent and express herself more easily. I ride for her and all who will come after her, especially those may not be able to access the interventions they need due to the pandemic or other circumstances.
Talk to your colleagues and read other Rider of the Week profiles, and you’ll find that my story is by no means unique -- autism affects the lives of so many. This means that funding good research is critical, but it also gives Wall Street Rides FAR a community atmosphere that is like no other. When we first came aboard, one of the first things we noticed was the Ride’s ability to bridge the day-to-day rivalries that are so prevalent in the capital markets. Even in a socially distanced setting, we know that this year will be no exception.
So don’t be shy—dust off your helmet, start your training program and register for Wall Street Rides FAR! If you’re still not sold, my fellow Riders of the Week will try to convince you in the weeks to come. See you this fall!